Kyle Prue

years participated: 2016

Kyle Prue (Author) now 19 years old, has been honored with state and national awards for his book.  At just 16 years old, he spent the summer writing the first installment of the trilogy, for which he won the Best Book for Young Adults award in Florida and the national award for Best Fiction for Young Adults. Realizing that his school visits were having a powerful impact on at-risk students, Kyle founded a non-profit, Sparking Literacy.   He is currently working on the next two books in the series and will enter the University of Michigan with the class of 2020.

Books include: The Sparks



Kyle Prue (Author) now 19 years old, has been honored with state and national awards for his book.  At just 16 years old, he spent the summer writing the first installment of the trilogy, for which he won the Best Book for Young Adults award in Florida and the national award for Best Fiction for Young Adults. Realizing that his school visits were having a powerful impact on at-risk students, Kyle founded a non-profit, Sparking Literacy.   He is currently working on the next two books in the series and will enter the University of Michigan with the class of 2020.

Books include: The Sparks


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