C.A.R.E. Awards

C.A.R.E. Award Nominations 2025

Claire’s Award for Reading Excellence (C.A.R.E. Award) was established in 2002 by the Claire’s Day, Inc. committee and its founders, Brad and Julie Rubini, in honor of their daughter, Claire Lynsey Rubini. Claire was an avid reader when she unexpectedly died of a misdiagnosed heart condition in July 2000. She was just 10 years old.

C.A.R.E. Awards recognize students who have struggled and demonstrated marked improvement in their reading skills over the course of a school year. Perhaps the student has received reading interventions or has made significant progress on STAR or other standardized assessments. Another factor to be considered in nominating students for a C.A.R.E. Award would be their increased motivation to read. A C.A.R.E. Award nominee is not the best reader in the class, but the student who has made the most reading improvement in your classroom.

The awards ceremonies will happen at one of our two Claire’s Day events this year: Toledo (5/3/2025) and Maumee (5/17/2025).

Teachers and Principals may nominate one child from each class per grade level for grades K-8.

Nominations are accepted at www.clairesday.org between 3/10/25 and 4/14/25. Most people report taking about 15 minutes to complete the nomination form.

Two weeks prior to the family book festival, schools will receive a notice regarding the award recipients and the scheduled time for their students’ awards ceremony. The schools are responsible for notifying the parents, school officials, and the teachers by distributing the C.A.R.E. Award letter to the students.

Every child who receives a C.A.R.E. Award also receives a certificate to select one free book written and/or illustrated by a participating Claire’s Day author or illustrator. This certificate must be used at the Claire’s Day family book festival.

Questions regarding the C.A.R.E. Award may be directed to:

Kristin Zilke, Claire’s Day Coordinator, at 419-242-7323 or Kristin.zilke@toledolibrary.org.

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